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compassionate Wellness

You deserve to feel great!

Who We Are

About Us

At Compassionate Wellness we believe that great health is Self-Compassion. Balance is the Key and your body holds the Keys. We aim to optimize your health and bring it to a state of balance so you can feel and look rejuvenated.

What We Offer

Our Services

Weight Loss

Weight Loss

Compassionate Wellness tailored approach to weight loss Our clinician will analyze your diagnostic labs to understand your body from the inside and to return it to its balanced state.
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Men's Health

Men's Health

Compassionate Wellness Bio-identical Testosterone Therapy for Men As men age, it’s natural to lose strength, energy, and libido.
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Women's Health

Women's Health

Compassionate Wellness Bio-identical hormone balancing Therapy for women Throughout their lives and as women are getting older they may experience a series of symptoms like heavy bleeding, breast pain
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What Our Clients Say


Frequently Asked Questions

After a thorough self-questionnaire that your complete securely in the privacy of your home, our clinicians will order diagnostic labs, that they will review with you during your initial in-person consultation and perform a physical examination. Together you will create a personalized wellness plan addressing your individual health risk factors, targeting the cause of your problematic symptoms, not the consequences, and discussing your treatment goals and cellular therapy. We specialize in nutraceuticals, peptides and bio-identical Hormones balancing Therapy for Weight Loss, Men’s and Women’s Health.
-Nutraceuticals are natural substance that are foods or part of a food and provides medical or health benefits, including the prevention and treatment of disease. Like all natural substances including homeopathic, nutritional or other herbs (also known as botanicals), vitamins and minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, food-factor concentrate they are traditionally considered safe, although some may be toxic in large doses.

-Peptides are natural smaller proteins in your body that contain two or more amino acids. They are used as pharmaceuticals because they so often mimic exactly the behavior of a natural substance that interacts with the receptor on an enzyme or cell to cause a biological process. They are very potent and very specific in what they do. They can be more precisely targeted, with fewer side effects. Peptide breaks down into amino acid which is a positive because amino acid are food that our body need basically making peptide essentially safer.

-Hormones are naturally made in our body. They are chemical messengers that turn different body processes on and off. Bio-identical or natural hormones means that the hormones in the product are chemically identical to those your body produces. They come from plant or animal sources. They’re not made in a lab but usually in a compounding pharmacy, a pharmacy that specializes in making medications customized for your individual needs based on your diagnostic tests ordered by your Compassionate Wellness clinicians.
Your membership includes ongoing awareness and education about your health, the latest advancements in therapy and resources, follow up diagnostic labs review, therapy management and access to your Compassionate Wellness care team through our portal. Labs and Natural therapies are sold separately.

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